Gulfstream GIV-SP
Gulfstream GIV-SP
Gulfstream GIV-SP SN 1440 Private Jet For Sale
Engines Enrolled on Rolls Royce CorporateCareFANS 1/A and ADS-Bv2 Out CompliantATG-5000 US Domestic WifiHUD/EVS EquippedFAR 135 Ready13 Passenger, Aft Galley Configuration
Price: Inquire
Make: Gulfstream
Model: G-IV
Year: 2001
Passengers: 13
Total Time: 12655
Engines: Rolls Royce TAY MK611-8
Aircraft Interior: 13 Passenger Executive Configuration- Forward (4) Four Place Club- Mid Cabin RH Side (3) Three Place Divan Opposite LH Side opposing Club Configuration- Aft Cabin (4) Four Place Conference Group Opposite Credenza
AftGalley equipped with• Hot Cup/Coffee Maker• 20-Gallon Water System• Microwave/High Temp Oven
– Forward Crew Lav & Aft Passenger Lav
EntertainmentRVSM Certified8.33 Spacing/FM ImmunityRNP-5/RNP-10 CompliantHoneywell MCS-6000 SATCOM (Six Channel)Allied Signal AFIS w/ VHF & SATCOM linkRosemount Ice Detection SystemCockpit Audio SystemCabin Printer in CredenzaBF Goodrich ADI 335LED Navigation lights.Airshow Network Passengers Flight Info SystemDual Electronic Digital ClocksArtex Triple Frequency ELTDual Baker B-1045 Audio ControllerRadio Master SystemPrecise Flight PulselightSystemFMS master system Jump Seat Audio JacksSexton external camera system
Aircraft Exterior: New Paint in 2012 by Duncan Aviation
Overall Matterhorn White with the lower side painted Gray with Yellow and Blue